Polyglactin 910

Polyglactin 910

Polyglactin 910

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Definition:Polyglactin 910 synthetic, absorbable, surgical sutures made of flexible threads synthesized from 90% glycolide and 10% L-lactide (prepared from glycolic acid and lactic acid) copolymers are used in soft tissue approximations. The empirical formula of the copolymer is -[(C2H2O2)x(C3H4O2)y] n and x:y=9:1. The braided structure is coated. The coating material is prepared from calcium stearate and poly(glycolide-co-L-lactide). Glacomer 37y] n - x:y=3:7)

When Polyglactin 910 sutures are inserted into a living organism, they are absorbed by that organism and do not cause excessive tissue irritation. The mixture of copolymer and calcium stearate is non-antigenic and non-pyrogenic and minimal tissue reaction may occur during absorption. Sutures are dyed purple (D&C Violet No.2 (Cl. # 60725)) to ensure visibility in tissue. They are also available undyed.
Polyglactin 910 complies with the requirements of the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) for Absorbable Surgical Sutures and the European Pharmacopoeia (EP) for Absorbable Synthetic Surgical Sutures (except for some sizes where diameters slightly exceed the limits).
INTENDED USE: Polyglactin 910 is generally used for soft tissue approximation and/or ligation and eye (ophthalmic) surgery. Not for use in cardiovascular and neurological tissues.

For single use only.